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Find Your Local Music Generation

Phenomenal Public Response to Music Generation

In just its first week, Music Generation has received a phenomenal response from the public - over 3,500 hits on, hundreds of enquiries and seventeen Music Education Partnerships now established in over half of the country, with many more expected to register this week.

The much anticipated U2 and Ireland Funds supported National Music Education Programme was officially unveiled last week, and aims to provide vocal and instrumental tuition to children and young people in their locality.

Programme Director, Rosaleen Molloy said, “Public response has been tremendous and people are delighted with this positive development for Ireland’s children and young people. Music education in Ireland has been given a real boost because of the support of U2 and The Ireland Funds. Music Generation is now a positive talking point across the country. ”

Applications are invited from local Music Education Partnerships, which must include a statutory agency (such as a Local Authority or a VEC) as a Lead Partner. Music Generation is offering 50% funding up to a maximum of €200,000 per year over three years. The deadline for applications for Round 1 is 5.00 p.m., March 31st, 2011.

Wondering where to start? Click to locate your local Music Education Partnership and full details.