Calling All Music Makers: Celebrate World Children’s Day 2024 through Music!
On World Children’s Day on November 20th we’re inviting young musicians to share their favourite musical moment from We are Music Generation 2024!
ERASMUS PLUS: Youth in Action - Briefing & Information Roadshows - February 2014
January 2014 launches the new programme of the European Union for Education, Training and Youth - ERASMUS plus.
This programme combines the Youth in Action and other EU programmes into three Key Actions.
Key Action 1: Learning Mobility (Youth Exchanges, European Voluntary Staff & Youth Worker training & mobility)
Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships (cross-sectoral projects, exchange of practice, innovation, sectoral working, Youth Democracy projects, Transnational youth initiatives)
Key Action 3: Support for Policy Reform (Youth Structured Dialogue activities)
Léargas is hosting a series of briefings to explain programme and application process to those youth and community organisations who plan to develop strategies and activities within the ERASMUS plus programme.
All you have to do is select the Roadshow event which suits you and complete the registration form.
11th February - DUBLIN - Jurys Custom House Hotel 10am - 1pm
12th February - WATERFORD Jurys Custom House Hotel 10am - 1pm
12th February - TULLAMORE, MRYS- Kilcruttin Centre 6.30pm to 9pm
13th February - CORK Jurys Custom House Hotel 10am - 1pm
13th February - GALWAY Connaught Hotel, Galway City 10am - 1pm
14th February - DUNDALK Jurys Custom House Hotel 10am - 1pm
Further Details on ERASMUS PLUS are available here.
For ON LINE registration, click here.
Deadline for APPLICATIONS 27th JANUARY 2014.
On World Children’s Day on November 20th we’re inviting young musicians to share their favourite musical moment from We are Music Generation 2024!
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