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Music Generation Sligo’s Big Bang is back by popular demand!

Big bang re run flyer
Music Generation Sligo's Big Bang is back by popular demand!

Audiences can look forward to a day-time show at The Hawks Well Theatre at 1pm on Friday 3rd October for another cosmic performance of new music by Brian Irvine & 5 Young Sligo Composers - Ferdia Durkin, Niamh Feeney, Ciara Murphy, Alice Purcell, Matthew Rooney. Their compositions will again be performed by a small army of performers,120 children & young people from Sligo Community Youth Choir, Grange Post Primary School & Ursuline College together with an 80 young musicians from Sligo Academy of Music Sinfonietta Orchestra.

Big Bang is inspired by the mystery and wonder of space and our place within it. The piece was commissioned by Sligo County Council Arts Service. Funded by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Per Cent for Art Scheme & Music Generation.

See the flyer here.
Bookings can be made at the Hawk's Well Theatre website here.

For more information about Music Generation Sligo's production of Big Bang in 2013, see here.